Arlington Redevelopment Board - Jan 13th, 2025
Meeting held at 27 Maple Street. Materials were available from
Organizational Meeting
The board elects Rachel Zsembery to serve as Chair, and Kin Lau to serve as Vice Chair.
Review Meeting Minutes
The board approves minutes for their December 14, 2024 and December 16, 2024 meetings.
Docket 3834 - 30 Mystic Street
(Claire Ricker, Planning Director) Ms. Ricker says that staff is still working with the applicant to clarify several aspects of their submission. Staff is also awaiting an updated project narrative.
The board votes to continue the hearing to January 27, 5--0.
Docket 3821 - 1513--1519 Mass Ave
(Claire Ricker, Planning Director) Ms. Ricker says the applicants have provided an updated plan set, solar studies, a LEED checklist, and operations and management plans. They are still requesting to have the building utilities above ground.
(Matt Eckel, Attorney) Mr. Eckel says they are still proposing a mixed-use building with five dwellings and one office space. They intend to provide eight long-term and two short-term bike storage spaces. The updated plans show the location of four street trees. There will be five parking spaces, one of which will be accessible. Venting will be placed on the roof, and they've modified the fenestration based on discussions from the previous hearing. They've taken steps to separate the commercial and residential entries, and propose separate signage above each. They've also reduced the size of the large bay windows.
(Rachel Zsembery, ARB Chair) Ms. Zsembery asks about the plot plan and curb cuts.
(Applicants) The applicants say there will only be one curb cut.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery asks which parking space will be accessible.
(Applicants) The applicants indicate an isle space in the garage. The accessible space could be on either side of the isle.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery notes that under Arlington's bylaw any window film would be counted as signage, in order to maintain transparency.
(Kin Lau, ARB) Mr. Lau thinks the windows look better. He asks the applicants about a discrepancy between the rendering and the elevation drawings in the plan set.
(Applicant) The applicants say the elevation drawings are accurate.
(Kin Lau) Mr. Lau suggests carrying the horizontal band on the side of the building around the front.
(Applicant) One of the applicants thinks that would look too busy, and prefers to have contrast between the side and front.
There's back and forth about this.
(Kin Lau) Mr. Lau reiterates his preference to carry the trim band around the front of the building.
Mr. Lau asks about the wall between the fire closet and the garage. He'd prefer some sort of punched opening in that space, to provide transparency into the garage.
(Steve Revilak, ARB) Mr. Revilak says the drawings and plot plan show different locations for the bike parking. He asks which is accurate.
(Applicants) The applicants says the drawings are accurate. They're proposing six spaces in bike lockers, and two additional spaces along the garage.
(Steve Revilak) Mr. Revilak says the spaces next to the garage look large enough to accommodate cargo bikes, which he appreciates.
Mr. Revilak thanks the applicants for providing a narrative for their stormwater management system. He notes that they're achieving a significant reduction in runoff, relative to current conditions.
(Eugene Benson, ARB) Mr. Benson is okay with having a trim band on the side of the building, and leaving it off the front. He's also okay with a solid wall for the garage. He asks about EV charging.
(Applicant) The applicants are planning to install one level two charger per two parking spaces.
(Eugene Benson) Mr. Benson asks about the score on their LEED checklist. He thinks they've rated themselves too low, considering that the building will be all-electric and have solar panels.
(Applicants) The applicants say that it's their intention to have a sustainable building.
(Eugene Benson) Mr. Benson thinks the applicants have underscored themselves, and he'd like to see an updated checklist.
Mr. Benson asks if the apartments will be rental or ownership.
(Applicants) The applicants says they'll be ownership units.
(Shaina Korman-Houston, ARB) Ms. Korman-Houston agrees that the LEED score seems low. She asks if the applicants are planning a solar-ready building.
(Applicants) One of the applicants answers in the affirmative.
(Eugene Benson) Mr. Benson says the applicants need to commit to solar.
(Shaina Korman-Houston) Ms. Korman-Houston asks about access to the bike lockers.
(Applicants) The applicants say the lockers will be located in an open-air portion of the garage.
(Shaina Korman-Houston) Ms. Korman-Houston asks about the depth of the balconies.
(Applicants) The applicants say it will be around six feet.
(Shaina Korman-Houston) Ms. Korman-Houston is okay with not having a trim band in the front, and she'd prefer no opening into the garage.
(Applicants) The applicants say they intend to use plantings to break up that area of the facade.
The chair opens the hearing for public comment. There is none.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery says she's heard general support from the board. She summarizes conditions and findings that the board will make, including:
- Clarifying that there will be one curb cut
- Having two level two EV chargers
- Providing an updated LEED checklist
- Providing solar panels, rather than a solar ready building
- Allowing a front setback of less than 20'. Ms. Zsembery notes that the board had previously supported this.
- Allowing utilities above ground.
- Allowing the special permit for the mixed use building
Ms. Zsembery says the board still needs to make decisions on the trim band and the openness of the parking area. She thinks the band needs to terminate, but doesn't think it needs to turn the corner. She would like to see it properly terminated, though.
Most of the board agrees with not having the band turn the corner.
(Kin Lau) Mr. Lau suggests having the corner termination detail be provided to staff for administrative approval.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery says she'd prefer not to see into the garage. She thinks that plantings should be sufficient to break up the space.
Ms. Korman-Houston, Mr. Benson, and Mr. Revilak agree.
(Peter Eckel) Mr. Eckel thinks that full solar might make the construction costs too high. He asks if there are other options.
There's discussion about the bylaw exemptions, which probably won't be applicable here.
(Eugene Benson) Mr. Benson suggests looking at solar hot water, as an alternative to solar electric.
(Shaina Korman-Houston) Ms. Korman-Houston suggests exploring different alternatives to who owns the roof, as a way to redistribute the cost of the solar system.
(Eugene Benson) Mr. Benson suggests the applicants explore leasing a solar system as an alternative to purchasing one.
The board votes to approve the special permit, 5--0.
Docket 3798 - 821 Mass Ave
(Claire Ricker, Planning Director) Ms. Ricker says the most significant change to this docket is the addition of an accessible unit on the ground floor.
(Mary Winstanley O'Connor, Attorney) Ms. Winstanley O'Connor says she's provided the board with a letter that summarizes the retail restrictions and parking agreements in CVS's lease.
(Andres Rojas, Architect) Mr. Rojas says they've added a ground-floor accessible unit without changing the size or envelope of the building. The updated application materials show a sign band for the commercial space. They've incorporated stone veneer in colors that will be compatible with the church next door. They'll also provide stone lintels and sills for the windows.
Mr. Rojas says the bottom of the roof trellis will be 8' tall, and their solar consultants believe that won't be a problem. They've added an accessible parking space near the entrance of the accessible unit. Fencing around the property will be 6' high and solid wood.
(Steve Revilak, ARB) Mr. Revilak asks the applicants to talk about their decision to add an accessible unit.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas explains how he's changed the interior layout. The two front units are a little smaller. The accessible unit is on the first floor in the rear, and the fourth unit is two stories, above the accessible unit.
(Steve Revilak) Mr. Revilak asks if the apartments will be rented or sold.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas says they'll be rentals.
(Eugene Benson, ARB) Mr. Benson points out a mistake in the application's dimensional worksheet. He says the application should provide a worksheet showing calculations for gross floor area and open space. He asks if there will be EV chargers.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas points out the location of the chargers.
(Shaina Korman-Houston, ARB) Ms. Korman-Houston would like to flag the dimensional table. The site contains two buildings. She thinks that some of the table was filled out with respect to this mixed use building, while other entries consider both buildings. She suggests the applicants review the worksheet, and consider separating measurements for this building and for the site as a whole.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas says they can do that.
(Kin Lau, ARB) Mr. Lau notes that the updated plans show masonry on several exterior walls, but he doesn't think the building fits in appropriately. He realizes the stone was chosen to match the church, but he doesn't think that it does.
(Rachel Zsembery, ARB Chair) Ms. Zsembery says she's still struggling to understand what the building looks like, and says the rendering doesn't match the elevation drawings. She says there's a lot of materials here, and a lot of movement. She says they don't work together and it's hard to tell where they're coming from. The shapes aren't coming together as a facade. Ms. Zsembery asks about the depth of the sign band.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas says he doesn't know that measurement offhand.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery is concerned that it won't be large enough to be easily visible from the street.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas says he will get those dimensions for the board.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery suggests cleaning up the cornice.
(Kin Lau) Mr. Lau thinks the cornice is too massive. He asks where Mr. Rojas got the idea for the fins on the front of the building.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas says they're intended to provide privacy for the balconies.
(Kin Lau) Mr. Lau thinks they look awkward.
(Eugene Benson) Mr. Benson says that only the center fin is needed for privacy. He thinks the building doesn't relate to the architecture of the surrounding buildings, and putting stone on a modern building doesn't fix the problem.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery suggests larger panels of smooth limestone, and reducing the amount of the aluminum panel. She suggests picking a direction, and using other elements as accents.
The chair opens the hearing to public comment.
(Marina Popova, Ridge Street) Ms. Popova doesn't see anything about the 100 year old pine tree. She asks the board to consider the tree as a historic artifact. She doesn't think it would take much effort to accommodate the tree.
(Peter Blume, Jason Terrace) Mr. Blume appreciates the efforts to improve the aesthetics, but it pains him to think of the site without the pine tree. He encourages the board to think of a way to incorporate the tree.
There are no more comments.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery reviews what the board would like to see from the applicant. The list includes:
- An updated dimensional table, which disambiguates the CVS portion of the site from the Atwood house.
- Reducing the number of exterior materials on the building.
- Making the architecture more compatible with the surrounding buildings.
- Considering replacing the fins with screening elements.
(Kin Lau) Mr. Lau asks the applicants to consider hierarchies of scale. He suggests breaking the facade into two or three bays, and trying to establish a rhythm.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery would like to see more focus on the side of the building that faces the church. She thinks it will be very visible and should be treated as a primary facade.
(Steve Revilak) Mr. Revilak agrees that the facade is too busy. He suggests removing the wood-textured aluminum panels, and going with two textures -- one primary and one for accents.
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery says the board would like to see dimensions of the sign band.
(Kin Lau) Mr. Lau asks about the location of building mechanicals.
(Andres Rojas) Mr. Rojas says they've been moved to the roof.
The board votes to continue the hearing to March 10, 5--0.
Docket 3348 - 821--837 Mass Ave
The board votes to continue docket 3348 to March 10, 5--0.
(Note: Docket 3348 was the permit for the CVS on the other portion of the site; this permit will need modification if Docket 3798 is approved.)
Discussion of 2025 Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles
(Rachel Zsembery, ARB Chair) Ms. Zsembery says she intended for this to be a discussion of which warrant articles to advance for the spring 2025 town meeting. The board will not vote on the warrant itself until January 27th.
(Clair Ricker, Planning Director) Ms. Ricker says there are many items from the ARB's retreat. Staff's memo tried to separate them into high, medium, and low priority. She suggests that low priority items be deferred until next year.
The first item is Accessory Dwelling Units. Arlington will need to update the ADU bylaw, so it's in compliance with new state laws. Arlington currently requires a special permit when an ADU is built within six feet of a property line, and we'll need a policy discussion on how to change that. There's also the question of our special permit requirement for large additions, and what happens when someone proposes a large addition in order to build an ADU. The board discusses which sections of the bylaw may need to change; these are 5.10.2 (ADUs), Section 2 (Definitions), and Section 5.4.2.B(6) (Large additions).
The B1 zoning district is the next topic. Staff have identified 133 parcels that are zoned B1, most of which are located along Mass Ave. Staff suggests changing them to B2A. Mr. Revilak asks why the recommendation is for B2A rather than B2; by definition, B2 is for smaller pedestrian oriented businesses, and B2A is larger businesses where patrons are expected to arrive by car. Ms. Ricker says that staff suggested B2A because of how it considers the width of the street right of way. Mr. Benson asks about B1 parcels that aren't located on Mass Ave. He suggests we may want to leave some of those as B1. Mr. Lau notes that there are only a small number of B1 properties on side streets.
The board will advance an article to combine two sections of the bylaw that are largely duplicative: 5.3.7 and 5.3.21.
The board will advance an article to remove the inland wetland district. Representatives of the Conservation Commission will be available to explain their position on why this section should be removed.
The board will advance an article to provide a definition for Lot Coverage. Ms. Ricker will work with (ZBA Chair) Christian Klein on the warrant language.
Mr. Revilak will work with Mr. Klein on warrant language for changes proposed to Section 6.1.10.A.
The board will advance an article so that single- and two-family dwellings that abut the Minuteman Bikeway aren't subject to Environmental Design Review. Staff will work on warrant language.
The board will advance an article to expand the list of transportation demand management options that can be used for a parking reduction.
The board agrees that several items should wait until 2026: revisiting the special permit requirement for rental of up to three rooms, open space requirements, cemetery zoning, and social consumption of cannabis.
Ms. Ricker says that the Arlington Heights Neighborhood Action Plan group suggested updated East Arlington business zoning be updated concurrently with Arlington Heights. Staff will form an East Arlington group; Mr. Revilak and Ms. Korman-Houston will be the board's representatives for the East Arlington group.
Open Forum
(Peter Blume, Jason Terrace) Mr. Blume suggests that the building's ventilation system be shut off during ARB hearings, because it makes things difficult to hear from the back of the room.
New Business
(Rachel Zsembery) Ms. Zsembery says the Attorney General's office has approved the rest of the 2024 zoning bylaw changes. An updated copy of the Zoning Bylaw has been posted to the town website.
(Steve Revilak) Mr. Revilak has two items of new business. Two years ago, town meeting authorized a home rule petition that would repeal a 1970's law that prohibits the MBTA from building a transit facility in Arlington Center. The petition was approved by the legislature, and Governor Healey signed it into law.
Second, Mr. Revilak has been reading Boston's ADU guidebook. The guidebook contains a number of design suggestions, which are organized by lot size. There's a "medium" category for lots with 40--60 feet of frontage and a "large" category for lots with more than 60 feet of frontage. Mr. Revilak feels the Boston guidelines are very applicable to Arlington because our residential lots fall into the same size categories.
Meeting adjourned at 22:05.