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A collection of documents regarding zoning and land use.
A collection of primary source documents regarding Arlington housing, zoning, and land use.
= 1924 =
* [[media:Arlington Zoning Map 1924.pdf|Arlington's (original) 1924 zoning map]]
= 1926 =
* [[media:Arlington Town Plan 1926.pdf|Arlington's 1926 Town Plan]]
= 1928 =
* [[media:Arlington MA Zoning Bylaw 1928.pdf|Arlington's 1928 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 1946 =
* [[media:ZonMap1946.pdf|Arlington's 1946 Zoning Map]]
= 1954 =
* [[media:ZonBylaw195410.pdf|Arlington's 1954 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 1970 =
* [[media:1970-atm-articles-86-87-pud-district.pdf|1970 Town Meeting Articles 76-87]]. Warrant Articles that established Arlington's Planned Unit Development District
= 1971 =
* [[media:Atm-2019-article-41-redevelopment-board-reference.pdf|Chap. 738 of the Acts of 1971]].  This act abolished Arlington's Planning Board, and delegated planning responsibilities to the Arlington Redevelopment Board.
* [[media:1971-zoning-bylaw-amendments.pdf|List of Zoning Changes adopted by 1971 town meeting]].  This include a 20,000 square foot minimum lot size for apartments, and increased parking requirements.
= 1972 =
* [[media:1971_zoning_by-laws_with_1972_amendments.pdf|Arlington's 1972 zoning bylaw]] (technically, the 1971 bylaw, with amendments from 1972)
= 1975 =
* [[media:Arb-19750203.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Feb 3, 1975]] Discussion about small lots, carnivals, density, and zoning changes due to be proposed later in the year.
* [[media:ARB-meeting-minutes-4-7-1975.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Apr 7, 1975]] Arlington redevelopment board minutes from April 7th, 1975.  The board discusses the definition of "family", how the definition will be enforced, and the desire to make Arlington a "family values" town.
* [[media:Arb-19750630.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, June 30, 1975]] Discussion of a new table of uses, prohibition of building on lots that are smaller than 5000 square feet, and retail development on the Mugar site.
* [[media:ARB meeting notes 8-4-1975.pdf|Arlington redevelopment Board minutes, Aug 4, 1975]].  Discussion of "controversional" issues in the 1975 zoning rewrite.
* [[media:ARB meeting notes 8-25-1975.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Aug 25, 1975]].  Some discussion about the definition of family, and the zoning district of individual lots.
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19750929.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Sep 29, 1975]].  Paragraph about build-out potential under the old vs new (1975) bylaw.
* [[media:Prr-2019-890-PRR Revilak 3-11-2019-arb-minutes-197509.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Sept. 1975]].
* [[media:Advocate-19751002.pdf|Planning Director Reviews Zoning Bylaw Questions]].  Oct 2, 1975 article from the Arlington advocate.
* [[media:Arb-article-2-memo-19751006.pdf|ARB report on 1975 STM Article 2]] ARB report on the 1975 zoning rewrite.
* [[media:Arb-article-6-memo-19751006.pdf|ARB Report on 1975 STM Article 6]] ARB report on Article 6 of the Oct 1975 special town meeting.  This article established a definition of "family", which precluded more than four unrelated individuals from inhabiting the same household.
* [[media:Town-meeting-1975-zoning-rewrite.pdf|Special Town Meeting warrant for 1975 zoning rewrite]]
* [[media:Advocate-1975-10-zoning-articles.pdf|10 Arlington Advocate Articles on 1975 zoning changes]]
* [[media:Collura-v-arlington-367-mass-881.pdf|Collura v. Arlington]]  Massachusetts supreme judicial court ruling, re: Arlington's 1973 moratorium on the construction of apartment buildings.
* [[media:ZonMap1975.pdf|Arlington, MA Zoning Map from 1975]]
= 1978 =
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19780306-art-93.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, March 6, 1978]].  Includes a discussion of Article 93, which downzoned the R7 (High Density Apartment) district.
* [[media:Prr-2019-1295-Article 93, ATM 1978.pdf|Article 93 from Arlington's 1978 town meeting]].  This article downzoned the R7 (high density apartment) district, making many of the buildings non-conforming.
= 1979 =
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19790108-building-height.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Jan 8, 1979]].  Includes a discussion of building height in several business and residential districts.
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19790213-warrant-article-hearing.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Feb 13, 1979]].  Discussion of warrant articles proposed for the 1979 town meeting.  When compared to today's meetings, attendance seems rather small.
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19790226-building-height.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Feb 26, 1979]].  Includes a discussion about building height, and downzoning the R6 (medium density apartment) district.
* [[media:Urban-Renewal-Plan-Arlington-Center-1979.pdf|Urban Renewal Plan for Arlington Center]].  Documents pertaining to an Urban Renewal project intended for Arlington Center.  The earliest of these documents are from 1979.
= 1980 =
* [[media:Advocate-19800522-article-87.pdf|Arlington advocate article on zoning changes from the 1980 Annual town meeting]].  Includes mention of Article 87.
* [[media:Arlington-redevelopment-board-19800330-minutes.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Mar 30, 1980]].  Includes mention of Article 87, which amended the ZBL to accomodate a set highly non-conforming duplexes in East Arlington, which were built after world war II.
* [[media:Article-87-1980-town-meeting-town-clerk.pdf|Article 87 from the 1980 Arlington Town meeting]].  The article changed the town's zoning bylaw to accomodate a set of small duplexes built in East Arlington after World War II.
= 1982 =
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19820322-mugar-purchase.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Mar. 22, 1982]].  During this meeting, the ARB entertained a warrant article that proposed the purchase of the Mugar Property in east Arlington.
* [[media:Article-43-1982-pud-prr.txt|1982 Town meeting Article 43]]  Public records request for materials pertaining to Article 43 from the 1982 town meeting.  I believe this article reduced the maximum height in the PUD distict from 200' to 85'.  Unfortunately, our public records officer was unable to locate responsive documents.
= 1987 =
* [[media:Arlington_Affordable_Housing_Challenges_87.pdf|Overview of Affordable Housing Challenges and Opportunities]].  Report prepared for the town's Fair Housing Committee in June 1987.
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19870112-b5-height.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Jan 12, 1987]].  The board discusses downzoning the B5 (Central Business) District in response to a redevelopment proposal.
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19870223-article-hearings.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Feb 23, 1987]].  Discussion of town meeting warrant articles.
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19870309-article-hearings.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, March 3, 1987]]. Includes votes on zoning articles for the 1987 town meeting.
* [[media:Prr-2020-1334-Article 16, STM 1987.pdf|Article 16 from Arlington's 1987 special town meeting]].  This article downzoned the B5 (central business) district.
* [[media:Arb-minutes-19870622-mirak-site.pdf|Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Jun 22, 1987]].  Includes discussion of the Mirak property on Mass Ave.  (The Mirak's eventually developed this site as the Legacy apartments, in 2001).
= 1991 =
* [[media:1991_ARB_report_to_ATM_Article4.pdf|Article 4 from 1991 Town Meeting]]. Article 4 changed a use table entry to allow renting of up to three rooms by special permit, for consistency with the definition of "family".
* [[media:1991_ARB_report_to_ATM_Article14.pdf|Article 14 from 1991 Town Meeting]].  Article 14 proposed to rezone 5-7 Winter St to medium density apartments, so the owner could convert an accessory building to two dwellings.
* [[media:Article-15-1991-R0.pdf|Article 15 from 1991 Town Meeting]].  This warrant article established Arlington's R0 (Single Family Large Lot) district.
* [[media:Article-15-1991-R0-transcript.pdf|Article 15 Transcript from 1991 Town Meeting]].  Transcript of town meeting debate on the establishment of Arlington's R0 (Single Family Large Lot) district.
* [[media:Prr-2018-391-PRR Revilak(ARB) 4-23-2018.pdf|Misc Material from the 1991 Arlington town meeting]].  Includes a portion of the town's annual report, and ARB minutes from the first portion of that year.
= 2003 =
* [[media:SAC_ReportWithAppendices_F.pdf|Symmes Advisory Committee report to Special town meeting]]
= 2005 =
* [[media:ZonMap2005.pdf|Arlington MA Zoning Map from 2005]]
= 2015 =
* [[media:ZonMap2015.pdf|Arlington, MA zoning map from 2015]]
= 2016 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws2016.pdf|Arlington's 2016 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 2017 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws2017.pdf|Arlington's 2017 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 2018 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws201812.pdf|Arlington's 2018 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 2019 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws201904-2.pdf|Arlington's 2019 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 2020 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws202011.pdf|Arlington's 2020 Zoning Bylaw]]
* [[media:Town-counsel-memo-to-arb-20200813.pdf|Town Counsel Memo, re Scope and Limits of ARB Authority]].  Town Counsel memo to the Arlington Redevelopment Board, dated 8/13/2020.  Town Counsel provides an opinion regarding the ARB's authority under Arlington's Environmental Design Review process, along with a history of the ARB itself.  This historical aspects are interesting.
= 2021 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws202104.pdf|Arlington's 2021 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 2022 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws202206-2.pdf|Arlington's 2022 Zoning Bylaw]]
= 2023 =
* [[media:ZonBylaws202310.pdf|Arlington's 2023 Zoning Bylaw]]
= Property Assessments =
* [[media:Assessors-data-2013.xlsx|2013 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2014.xlsx|2014 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2015.xlsx|2015 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2016.xlsx|2016 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2017.xlsx|2017 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2018.xlsx|2018 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2019.xlsx|2019 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2020.xlsx|2020 Arlington, MA property assessments]].
* [[media:Assessors-data-2023.xlsx|2023 Arlington, MA property assessments]].

Latest revision as of 20:35, 9 January 2025

A collection of primary source documents regarding Arlington housing, zoning, and land use.














  • Arlington Redevelopment Board Minutes, Mar. 22, 1982. During this meeting, the ARB entertained a warrant article that proposed the purchase of the Mugar Property in east Arlington.
  • 1982 Town meeting Article 43 Public records request for materials pertaining to Article 43 from the 1982 town meeting. I believe this article reduced the maximum height in the PUD distict from 200' to 85'. Unfortunately, our public records officer was unable to locate responsive documents.














Property Assessments