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(Removed fingerprint. Appears as though it can change via LetsEncrypt automation.)
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* [[Contact]]
* [[Resume]]
* [[Resume]]
* [[Contact]]
* [[Public Meetings]]
* [http://www.cs.umb.edu/~srevilak/ My UMass Boston Home Page]
* [[Notes]]
* [[Talks]]
* [[CCTV and Surveillance]]
* [[Zoning and Land Use]]
* [[Miscellany]]
* [[Linux Class]]
* [[Academic Research]]
* [[Academic Research]]
* [[Talks]]
* [http://www.cs.umb.edu/~srevilak/ My Home Page at UMass Boston]
* [[Notes]]
I encourage you to use the https version of my web site, https://{{SERVERNAME}}. My certificate was issued by an organization called [https://www.cacert.org/ CACert]; if your browser says it can't verify my certificate's authenticity, then try [http://www.cacert.org/index.php?id=3 installing CACert's root certificate] (click one of the "Root Certificate" links).
Alternatively, you can just check the fingerprint yourself:
SHA1 Fingerprint=0A:9F:AD:F0:78:B0:DC:A0:64:E0:CA:33:F5:4E:F4:B3:AF:91:54:A5

Latest revision as of 07:55, 20 October 2021